HITeC is the research and technology transfer center of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg. Due to its independent status, HITeC offers flexible and professional cooperation opportunities. HITeC solutions are based on the latest research results and provide advantages through innovative technologies.
HITeC is a registered, non-profit association supported by members of the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg. The association is linked to the University of Hamburg by an agreement.
HITeC focuses its main activities on:
- Implementation of application-oriented research projects
- Dissemination of application-oriented research results
- Realization of seminars
- Mediation of contacts between companies and students
- Improvement of the practice-oriented education in the university
- Support for business start-ups from the university
In 2018 hatte HITeC neun Fördermitglieder, dies sind Firmen und Institutionen, die HITeC unterstützen. Die Anzahl der aktiven persönlichen Mitglieder von HITeC liegt bei ca. 40 Personen.
In 2018 HITeC had nine supporting members, these are companies and institutions that support HITeC. The number of active personal members of HITeC is approximately 40.
HITeC’s project volume in 2018 was approximately 2.2 million.
The following changes took place in the board in 2018: Prof. Dr. Heinz Züllighoven left the board. He concentrates on activities in the area of software technology outside the Executive Board, but carries out further projects with HITeC. The management and the board thank him sincerely for his many years of commitment. Prof. Dr. Chris Biemann has been added as a new member of the board. Chris Biemann is Professor for Language Technology at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Hamburg. We are looking forward to a very good cooperation!
Some selected projects and activities in 2018:
- Coordination and implementation of the EU-funded project OPENREQ
- Continuation of the conception, further development and implementation of the transparency portal of the FHH Hamburg (InfoReg) and achievement of synergy effects with the projects Open Data Portal Schleswig-Holstein and Metadatenmodel GovData from the Open Data area.
- Several projects in the field of eHumanities aiming at the dissemination, collection, presentation and long-term archiving of cultural objects (PESHAT, LexM, Hamburger Professorenkatalog, Matrikel, eFoto, Hochschulbibliographie Duisburg-Essen)
- Support and consulting in the area of software architecture for several software houses
- Support in the organization of the ITMC Conference at the FB-Informatik with approx. 150 participants
- many smaller projects, mainly with companies and research institutions from the Hamburg region
- Participation in a working group of the founding initiatives of all Hamburg universities as well as cooperation with ahoi.digital
Currently, artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are attracting wide attention in the public, business and research sectors. Since its foundation in 1997, HITeC has carried out projects with AI technologies. They are summarized in the project area Intelligent Systems. We understand AI as a field of computer science that is divided into several sub-areas, which in turn investigate the implementation of intelligent capabilities in a computer system.
In the field of machine learning the following projects were carried out at HITeC:
- Intelligent decision support for truck route planning in ports
- Recognition of aircraft logos with the help of Deep Learning
- Preliminary study – automation of bookings
ARGUS – Effect-based Cyber Security System for medium-sized businesses - Anomaly detection in production data of axle assembly
- ODAKI – OpenData Innovations with AI Methods
Stamp detection on ordinances for domestic health ordinances - Prediction of the skin sensitization potential of organic molecules
- Navigation of chemical fragment spaces using genetic operators
- Interactive Big Data Analyses for the Planning of Construction Measures
- OPENREQ: Requirements Engineering, Big Data, Recommender Systems
- RoboCup-AG – Hamburg Bit-Bots
Publications of HITeC are listed on the websites of the respective professors and project staff of the university.