Up until Spring 2016, HITeC helped transfer an existing web application for philosophical and scientific Hebrew terminology over to the content-repository application “MyCoRe”. By means of this transfer, a permanent application was created, aimed to last throughout the project term of “PESHAT in context” and beyond. In 2015 the website incl. all data has been transferred, and a new search and editing function has been built into “MyCoRe” from scratch. After an extensive trial period by PESHAT staff in the first quarter, the application has been made public in the second quarter of 2016 (see link).
After a comprehensive review by the German Research Society (DFG) at the end of 2016, the project “PESHAT in context” has been extended for another 3 years. A number of improvements and enhancements are set to be realised in cooperation with HITeC by the end of 2019.
Over the course of 2018, we adapted and improved the user interface of the application, especially aiming to make the searchfunctionality more easy and more intuitive to use. Additionaly we created the “PESHAT-Corpus” function that enables the PESHAT-Team to display their main bibliographic sources including their related research results more accurately to the public. With the help of a newly implemented user management and registration system, scholars as well as interested visitors of the website can register themselfs autonomously without the need for interaction with the PESHAT-Team. For 2019 we plan to extend this system to enable registered users the participation in the research efforts of PESHAT.
Staff: Wilfried Bohlken, Lothar Hotz, Pascal Rost
Cooperation partner: Institute for Jewish Philosophy and Religion at the University of Hamburg
Project site: # Peshat – Portal für philosophische und hebräische Terminologie