CUDIT – Competence Centre Customer and User-Driven IT

Businesses face challenges of increasing requirements regarding the IT support provided for their services, as staff and clients project their expectation regarding the usage of digital services across all business areas.

Clients expect digitally available offers and services. Staff expect the utmost support for personal information management at the workplace. Due to the digital transformation, IT competence in departments is increasing. These challenges lead to the conclusion that IT in many businesses is set to evolve into a “Customer and User Driven IT” (CUDIT) which can better react to the increasing requirements and expectations of stakeholders inside and outside a business.

The competence centre CUDIT takes on these challenges and organises and undertakes applicable research in this field. Participating businesses (partners), the University of Hamburg and HITeC aim to take on these challenges together and investigate possible courses of action for CUDIT.

Cooperation partners: Beiersdorf Shared Services GmbH / Hamburg Port Authority AöR