By request of the task force for the history of the University of Hamburg, a comprehensive Hamburg Professors Catalogue (HPK) of previous professors at the University of Hamburg has been established and made accessible to the public via webpage. The HPK aims to cover a timespan from 1919 up until the present day and also to provide a multi-faceted search function as well as an efficient content-management system for the catalogue’s editors. The application was implemented with the content-repository system “MyCoRe”, using the Rostock Professors Catalogue as a basis.
In 2018, we applied a number of small changes to the Catalogue, including a software update of the underlying infrastructure as well as the implementation of small service functions for aiding the editors in their tasks. The target was to make the platform well suited for the 100th anniversary of the University of Hamburg in 2019.
Staff: Wilfried Bohlken, Pascal Rost
Cooperation partner: Arbeitsstelle für Universitätsgeschichte der Universität Hamburg
Project site: HPK – Hamburger Professorinnen- und Professoren-Katalog