The Ministry of Culture plans to create an infrastructure for interconnecting cultural contents based on the cloud technology “eCulture”. This infrastructure is set to be available for cultural institutions in Hamburg (such as museums, archives, local clubs), providing storage, networking and search technologies. At the same time, any artefacts provided by those cultural institutions will be made accessible to the public. The public is also invited to add own cultural artefacts and to enrich existing artefacts via networking and comments. Cultural media content (cultural objects) of different types, such as photos, videos, documents, data, 3D models etc. will be represented in the infrastructure in terms of information objects. The “eFoto” software within this infrastructure will help process photos in the manner described above.
This software was designed and developed as part of a cloud infrastructure. As a practical example, one can take a virtual stroll through a suburb using an app for mobile devices.
Within the 2016 term, HITeC and the project partners designed the software and its architecture, developed Android and iOS apps as well as the entire backend. The apps allow a choice of selected city tours, viewing of photos as well as playback of text and audio. Additionally, an interactive map for the presentation of geo-localised cultural objects was designed and implemented in an early version.
In the project year 2018, HITeC prepared the software (backend and the Android and iOS APPs) for transfer to other operators in cooperation with the cooperation partners.
Cooperation partners:
Kulturbehörde Hamburg
Institut für Germanistik Universität Hamburg
effective WEBWORK GmbH
Website: eFoto (größtes gemeinsames Bildarchiv der Stadt Hamburg)